More than 200 surveys were completed by the students. Some had some very good questions which we will answer below.
Why didn't Kaity call a princpal or an authority the minute the relationship turned wrong? Often times in an abusive relationship the victim is so involved that they do not realize right away when the relationship has turned wrong. Ultimately, she did realize and ended the relationship.
What did Daniels parents do about the situation? We do not know
Do you wish you could have done anything differently? Yes, but we couldn't guarantee the outcome would have been any different.
Did your husband talk to Daniel? My husband chooses not to speak about what occurred so out of respect I do not ask. What I can tell you is that I do not know that he didn't speak to Daniel.
Are you mad at Daniel and his family? I have long since forgiven them
Did you get the signal when Daniel started to ask for Kaity's 24/7? Eventually
How do you have the strength to relive this by telling it to every school? It is our wish to be able to go to every single school, but we are not there yet. Either way, it is difficult at times, but in some ways it is very therapeutic. Helping others helps us.
If Daniel were still living, would you ever forgive him? I would like to think so.
How old would Kaity be right now? 21
How does the judge feel that he didn't file the order of protection? I don't know
How is your family? They are doing well
Do you still celebrate Kaity's Birthday? Yes, we release balloons every year on July 5th and encourage others to join us no matter where they are.
How did Kaity's Sister react to the death of her big sister? She was devastated in the beginning and still misses her and always will.
Why didn't you take and pick Kaity up from school yourself? I wish I had
What would you have done to prevent this? Made her stay in New Hampshire to finish school
How do you feel after your loss? Sad and I miss her terribly
How long did it take you to share Kaity's Story with the world? April 22, 2008 was the first time I told a version of Kaity's Story
Why didn't the mom do something earlier? not sure if you are asking about Daniels mom or Kaity's mom.
I was fortunate to have Bobbi be a guest speaker in my class at ASU, it was very informative and educational. She has done great work in assisting with the passage of key legislature.