Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy Holidays!

We at Kaity's Way Wish everyone the Happiest and Safest of Holidays this year! We are very Thankful for all of our supporters and volunteers near and far. Your encouragement means to world to us and is a part of that driving force that keeps us going all year long. 

With the close of 2014 and the new of 2015 upon us we end the year reflecting on the accomplishments of this last year and looking forward to our goals of the next. For some, choosing to end an unhealthy relationship is the single most important accomplishment of the year. Yet, that is only the beginning. Carrying on and figuring out oneself wants and needs to obtain and maintain healthy relationships is an evolving process. 

The first relationship anyone must focus on is their relationship with themselves.
  • Is your relationship with yourself healthy? 
    • Do you allow yourself P.E.A.C.E.? 
    • Are you patient with yourself? 
    • Do you empathize with yourself? 
    • Do you accept yourself for who you are and care enough about yourself to consider your choices carefully? 
    • Is equality something you believe you are worthy of? 
Some people make resolutions at the beginning of each year. How about a resolution to simply take care of yourself and love yourself first. You can begin by building a healthy, self nurturing relationship with YOU! Because you are Worthy!  

Teen Dating Violence PSA by the GYC, Kaity's Way and Mesa PS TV99