Monday, July 27, 2009


Hi All,
Tell me have you heard..... There is a new Law in town and it is called Kaity's Law!

The below is an excerpt from the Press Release put out by the AZ Coalition Against Domestic Violence:

SB1088 will afford those individuals abused by their significant other the same safety precautions those who are married, formerly married, live together, formerly lived together, have a child in common, or are related by blood or court order, already have. It will also allow for law enforcement and prosecution to hold those offenders with a propensity for violence, accountable.

Under Arizona’s Three Strikes Law, a third domestic violence misdemeanor can be tried as a felony, but prosecution’s hands have been tied when it comes to cases of this nature, given Arizona Statute did not recognize dating relationships under the law.

Arizona has one of the highest domestic violence related homicide rates in the country. In 2008, there were approximately 27 domestic violence related deaths involving persons in “dating relationships.” Among those murdered was Kaitlyn Sudberry. Kaitlyn, affectionately known as “Kaity”, was only 17 years old and was walking home from school when her abusive ex-boyfriend shot and killed her before turning the gun on himself. This tragedy was the inspiration behind Senator Paton’s bill this legislative session and for whom the new law will be named.

The prevalence of dating violence is staggering: 1 in 5 high school students experience physical or sexual violence in their relationships, and young women ages 16 to 24 are three times more likely than any other age group to be abused. Without state laws to protect these young lives, their safety is at significant risk.

What does this mean, you ask..... Well, it basically means that if you are dating someone and they abuse you, you have certain rights under the Domestic Violence statues 13-3601 once Kaity's Law is enacted on Sept 30, 2009.

We know Kaity's Law is too late to protect Kaity and will not bring her back.

Even so, we choose to think of Kaity's Law as Kaity protecting so many others in spirit.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kaity's Way Give Back Night at Chili's

Oh My Goodness! What a great time at the Kaity's Way Give Back at Chili's Metro Center.....

To everyone that showed up in Support of Kaity's Way a Million Thank Yous!

It was so much fun all of us having dinner together. I could not have asked for better people to be there. Everyone was so positive and gracious. It was a Blast... We will have more like it, so let me know your thoughts and ideas. We are open to anything that sounds good, tastes good or just down right makes us laugh.

Please keep checking the Current Events page of Kaity's Way or email us at kw08@ and let us know you would like to be on our distribution list and we will include you for any and all updates.

Take Care -- Be Safe -- P.E.A.C.E.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Who is to Responsible....

Hi All,
I have been thinking about this for a bit and wanted to put it out there as I believe sometimes people just need to hear certain things.

Often times in violent relationships the victim accepts or absorbs the blame for the abusers actions. You will even have instances where other people connected to the victim feel so bad about the situation they blame themselves. I am hear to tell you that no one but the abuser is responsible for their actions. We all do things everyday that we are responsible for to avoid any negative consequences. Think about some of the things you do or don't do to avoid a consequence you may not like. It's all about making the right choice.

We all know or have been told in one way or another it is not right to be mean to anyone. Anger is a human emotion, usually a secondary emotion. Therefore, it is something we are all going to experience now and then. It is how we act while angry that makes the difference. Overall, it is NOT appropriate for anyone to take their anger out on anyone. This includes saying mean nasty things to the people around you, yelling at people, throwing things at people, and being physically aggressive toward others just to name a few examples.

Could you imagine what it would be like if people were not mean to other people? How constructive and nice that would be.

You all Take Care -- Be Safe -- P.E.A.C.E.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hello.... We at Kaity's Way want to welcome you to our website and blog..... We hope that you found our website interesting and informative. What happened to Kaity is tragic, yet rather than let it keep us down we have chosen to turn a bad situation into something positive for other young people. Since Kaity was such a wonderful person we thought this would be the best way to honor her memory. We consider all suggestions and comments about our website. As we are only here to help others. As always take care and be safe....P.E.A.C.E.!

Teen Dating Violence PSA by the GYC, Kaity's Way and Mesa PS TV99